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Our goal is for you to get clear focus and strategic alignment for how to use your data to drive profitable growth and faster decision making

"We have moved from opinions to more objective decision making and have been able to use data and insights to drive action, build more intelligent products for our customers, and gain increased investor support."


CFO, Tech Industry Leader & Pioneer in Contextual Shopping

"What data do we actually have?"


GET DATA GROUNDED is a framework to help leaders, data teams, and other stakeholders get organized around the actual data they have that can be used to drive business value.


You will get clarity on your primary data domains, how they relate to one another, where the data actually comes from, and an understanding of any issues affecting your ability to use your data more strategically.

We find the GET DATA GROUNDED step to be foundational as it helps provide a common language, context, and boundaries of your primary data domains so you can:

  • establish a common language with business stakeholders, product owners, and data teams for breaking down work, understanding key dependencies by data domain, and assessing project risk and effort

  • have a more organized approach to building scalable and secure data mesh products, data lakes, data lakehouses, and data warehouses

  • measure and monitor the health and maturity of critical data domains and underlying sources

  • establish a framework for designing more integrated analytical data models

  • provide the baseline for data platform, data pipeline, and data catalog metadata

"Beyond Measure allowed us to get organized,

focused, and on a better path."

"Our data is no longer a blocker but a strategic enabler to unlock future potential and move the business forward."


"...and how should we use our data for profitable growth?"

Our GET DATA FOCUS framework will allow you to:

  • Gain clear focus of the unique, high value opportunities that will drive profitable growth with your data

  • Align these opportunities with your unique business strategy

  • Determine both near-term and longer-term actions that should be considered

  • Put in place a living, breathing, actionable tool (the "Opportunity Canvas") used to provide clear strategic focus and an input into strategies, initiatives, and subsequent phases of work


"We've honestly assessed our own capabilities against modern approaches for delivering on our strategy"

Our capabilities assessment will look closely into the core people, process, and technology that you use for data engineering, data governance, data management, data intelligence, and data science / machine learning.

We will help you understand the key capability gaps inherent to the way you do work today and highlight the ones that need to be matured as part of your data strategy.

Let's take an honest look at your data-driven capabilities as an organization


This spans business and technology,

product and engineering

We find that most businesses are blocked somewhere in the complexity of their data approaches, delivery processes, technology stacks, and disparate teams.

There are core capabilities that are critical in unlocking value in your data, depending on your business and which stage of growth you are in.  We can't fix it all overnight, but we can show you which capabilities matter and where the opportunities lie to more fully capitalize on the data that you have.

Reach out to learn more about our Data Strategy services

Click Here


"What are the strategic moves we need to make and when to become more data-driven?"

The strategy and mobilization phase sets the north start vision while driving immediate near term action in an iterative test/learning approach.  The outcomes we look to achieve in this phase consist of:

  • Determination of key moves to start driving immediate improvement

  • Longer term strategies to address capability gaps

  • Sequencing of activities and funding ("the roadmap")

  • Leadership, organization, and resourcing strategy

  • Alignment of delivery pace and investments to our desired business results

  • Leadership and stakeholder alignment to the strategy

  • Mobilization of the strategy

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